Daily School Hours

Student Arrival8:50 AM 
Tardy Bell 9:05 AM
Student Dismissal 3:26 PM 

Arrival Procedures

For safety reasons, students are not to be dropped off at Center Grange or Todd Lane prior to 8:45 A.M. Students arriving at school by means of automotive transportation (not by bus) are required to use the PARENT DROP-OFF ZONE at Center Grange or the MAIN ENTRANCE at Todd Lane.

Early Arrivals

For safety reasons, students ARE NOT to be dropped off at their designated school prior to 8:45 AM.

Dismissal Procedures

If parents/guardians are picking up their child at school, they must send written permission specifying the time of dismissal. If you tell your child that you are picking him/her up at school, but do not send written permission, your child will be sent home on the school bus. Students who are not riding the bus at the end of the day MUST BE SIGNED OUT AT THE PARENT PICK-UP ZONE at both Center Grange and Todd Lane. When picking up students, parents/guardians MUST park their vehicles in the parking lots. Parents are asked to wait in the designated areas. Please be advised that parents/guardians should arrive no earlier than 3:20 P.M.

Early Dismissals

From time to time, students may need to leave school prior to dismissal time. For any student needing an early dismissal, please note the following requests:

  1. A written parental/legal guardian note MUST be sent to your child’s teacher.
  2. The written notice needs to state a time and reason for the early dismissal.
  3. Parents/guardians MUST report to the school office and sign out their child for the early dismissal.
  4. The office staff will have your child report to the main lobby.

Please note: Both parents have equal access to their children unless a signed court document stating otherwise is on file in the school office.

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